Friday, December 5, 2014

Wreaths, Garland, and a Tree

I love my little apartment a lot.
So decorating it for the holidays is something I look forward to all year long.
This weekend Justin and I are going to pick out a wreath, garland, and a small tree.

The photo above is not my apartment but it looks a little similar.  
My favorite piece of Christmas decor is the fresh garland 
I hang over the doorway into our breakfast nook just like the photo.

I hope to post some photos of festive apartment soon.

{photo from Libby Brittain}

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Flower School: Holly Berries

Holly berries add that perfect pop of red to a classic winter wedding bouquet.  
They also make for beautiful centerpiece additions and cake decor.  

Holly is available year round and has a vase life of around eight days.
You can learn more here.
You can purchase holly berries here.

Happy Wednesday.

{   1.   2.   3.   4.   }

Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas Wish List

This year my wish list is a little practical.  
Things that I can't justify splurging on myself but I could actually use.  
Below are the links to everything on my wish list but more than anything 
I want a joyous holiday season with my family and friends.  
Its what matters most to me.  
I hope you enjoy!

I'm not usually a watch person but this one is gorgeous!

2. This coral sweater is sure to brighten up a grey winter day

3. Slippers.  My feet get cold and these would be sure to keep them toasty.

4. A new hairdryer that won't dry my hair out.  
I love my mom's and look forward to using it each time I visit home.

5. This colorful necklace is definitely on the top of my list.  
I love everything about it!

6. A camel colored coat.  With a belt.  
This one fits the exact description of what I've been searching for... 
at a price I can totally get behind.

Wouldn't this just glow in a dim room?!
