Monday, August 11, 2014

Like a River

This past weekend was full of summer bliss and a good life lesson.  

A group of eight of us and a dog decided to raft/intertube down the Snoqualmie River.  It was so beautiful and relaxing.  However,  I have some serious control issues so I insisted on taking the small lounger so I could feel in control and be able to steer more.  When the first set of "rapids" hit I realized that I actually had zero control and almost sunk my little lounger.  And when the sun started to set and we had no idea how much further we had to float we had no choice but to try and enjoy our surroundings and hope the next river bend would reveal the end.  But then I realized that the more I worried the less fun I was having so I let go and enjoyed the adventure.  And of course we have plans to do it all over again next Saturday and I can't wait!

{photo from here}